Argentine Mauser Serial Numbers
What year was Mauser Modelo Argentino 1909 serial Number B 9570 made?
What is market value of mauser modelo argentino 1891 with serial number starting with L?
What year was the mauser modelo 1909 argentino serial number N0457made?
I have a rifle marked on the receiver Mauser Modelo Argentino 1909. Serial number is matching on the receiver, bolt, floor plate, cleaning rod, and stock. Are there any other places that have a serial number on the in this model Mauser? Except for some dings in the wood and a little darkening of the rear. Mar 12, 2010 I own a 1891 Mauser, manufactured by Loewe of Berlin for Argentina, Serial Number A87xx. My son also owns a 1891 Mauser by Loewe made for Argentina, Serial Number E6xxx. My question concerns how the serial number system works and can a year of manufacture be estimated from the serial number. Why the letter at the beginning of the serial number?
What year is mauser model 2000 serial number 73815?
When was your browning Mauser 7MM magnum serial?
Where can you find information on a Mauser 1910 pocket pistol via its serial number?
Where was a Ejercito Argentino 1911 pistol serial number 48055 produced?
I own a Mauser byf 44 with no serial number can you help with value?
When was Mauser P38 serial number 5091 9 produced?
Value of a Mauser 32 cal pistol serial number 705405?
Where can you get information on a specific German Mauser 98 30.06 rifle by serial number?
What is Value of mauser-werke a g oberndorf a n serial number 491518 Cal 7 65 D R P u A P?
How old is a Mauser with serial number L3000?
Mauser model 98 with serial 17291 German markings when was it manufactured and what is the caliber?
Argentine Mauser 1909 Serial Numbers
What year was the ejercito argentino 1911 mod 1927 serial number 33982 made?
What information can be determined about a rifle that has no name or symbol on it only 2F6745 and is supposedly a 7mm Mauser?
What is a 1914 Mauser 6.35 pistol with a serial number of 271102 worth?
What is the date of a browning 30 06 bolt action rifle made in belgium with the serial number 5L31188?
What is the value of a mauser model hsc 7.65mm serial number 963930?
What caliber and where can you find the serial number on a 1917 amberg 8144 Gew 98?
Is the 8mm mauser serial number 1303 a sniper rifle?
What is the value of a Mauser serial 22663 all serial numbers match?
What is the age of a 300 magnum Browning Mauser action serial B11385?
What is the age of a 7 mm magnum Browning Mauser action serial 58861 L70?
What do the numbers on an old spanish mauser mean?
How do you determine the manufacturing date of a carbine mauser 1891?
How old is a German Mauser with serial 3463?
What is the Age of mauser werke hsc pistol 02253?
What is the year my argentino colt mod 1927 serial no 66996 made?
How much is a 8mm mauser with ser number 1780?
What is history of Walther P-38 serial number 9622 made by Mauser in 1943?
Who manufactured a commercial mauser rifle with a small star on the receiver preceeding the serial number?
What is the value of a mauser 30-06?
When was my Browning high power rifle serial 4L25369 made?
What can you tell me about 7mm mauser model 1893 Loewe Berlin serial number m4369?
Mauser byf 44 with acception of WaA135 and a serial of 482 you are wanering how rare it is and what it is worth?
What is the age of your kar98k with serial number 5820?
What model is the 7mm mauser stamped oviedo 1902 model number K 1302 worth and where did it come from?
How much is a 7mm Mauser with serial?
Mauser pistol 7.65 serial 183. when was it made and what is it worth in average condition?
How do you date or find the model of a Belgian-made Browning bolt action with serial number 4L24384 if you have tried the website and it does not match anything there?
What is the age of Carl Gustav 6.5x55 rifle m96-38 serial number hh384602?
Who makes the hawthorne 760 30-06 rifle how to find year made?
What kind of bolt for a gun has number 727 on its bolt?
What year was the mauser vz24 serial number yr8156 made?
What is the date of manufacture of a Swedish Mauser 6.5 X 55 mm serial 683333?
What is the serial number of IDM
Mauser rifle with serial R 1325 flaming cannon ball on the bolt What caliber is it?
What is the year and approx value of a Browning 300 mag SN 7L3876P?
How old is your Fn mauser 270 win made in belgium serial 1044?
That'll be dependent on condition, whether the serial numbersare all matched, what accessories come with the rifle, etc. You'rebest to have this appraised by a dealer whose specialty is C&Rfirearms.